Plant scavenger hunt
To make associations with plants and their uses
Find a tree that produces fruit
Find a plant used as a herb (to give flavour to food)
Find a plant used by Maori for medicine and its fibres
Find a plant that can be used as a food source for animals
Find a plant that smells nice
Find a plant with edible leaves (that people would eat)
Find a plant with some seeds on it
Here are some hints

Fruit trees or berry shrubs

Which herbs did you find? Basil, sage, parsley, rosemary, thyme, coriander, mint, chives....

Harakeke or flax has red flowers which turn into brown seed pods.

Grass is the most obvious plant but any plant with flowers provides nectar for insects and/or birds

Many flowers are fragrant: roses, gardenia, daphne...

What did you find? Lettuce, spinach, silverbeet, Asian greens, cabbage, kale...

What did you find? Dandelion, swan pant, pine tree...