Backyard scavenger hunt
To find these while learning some scientific terminology (words)
Look up in the sky. Can you see any clouds? If yes, can you identify the cloud types?
Are there any birds? Can you identify them? Are they native or introduced?
Trees: can you find examples of evergreen and deciduous trees?
(Evergreens keep their leaves unlike deciduous trees that loose their leaves in autumn)
Invertebrates 1: How many different arthropods can you find?
Arthropods are insects (flying & crawling) and arachnids (spiders).
Invertebrates 2: Can you find a mollusc, specifically a gastropod?
Gastropod means foot (pod) & stomach (gastro).
Invertebrates 3: Can you find an annelid (earthworm)?
Reptiles and amphibians: can you find an amphibian (frog) or a skink?

There are three main clouds:
Cirrus: high wispy cloud
Stratus: thin. low cloud
Cumulus: low, billowy, fluffy
If a cloud is going to bring rain, nimbus is added (cumulonimbus)

The tui is a native species while the sparrow is introduced.

Evergreen pine trees and a deciduous oak (acorn) tree.

Slaters (or woodlouse) and bumblebees are insects. Entomology is the study of insects.

This jumping spider is an arachnid.

Land snails are gastropods. You will find marine snails too at the beach.


The common green bell frog (amphibian) and the common skink (reptile). Amphibians can lie in water and on land. Reptiles have scales.
Did you know: herpetology is the study of reptiles and amphibians.