Invisible Ink

white paper
white vinegar, lemon or lime juice
cotton buds
heat source: hair dryer, lamp or toaster
Time: depends on drying time
Adult supervision: possibly to help with revealing the message
Dangers: heat
Put some lemon juice or white vinegar in a small bowl/container
Use the cotton bud as your pen: dip the tip into the lemon juice or vinegar and write a message on the paper. Make sure the "ink" penetrates the paper.
Wait for the paper to dry
To reveal the message, you may need the help of an adult. I got good results with a hair dryer. Alternatively, turn your toaster to the lowest heat setting and carefully hold the paper over the heat. Some methods suggest holding the paper up to a high wattage lamp.
The Science
The heat reacts with the lemon or lime juice or vinegar in a process called oxidation turning it brown.
Further investigation
Does it matter what type of paper you use? Newsprint vs normal photocopy paper
What "ink" is better: vinegar or juice? I got better results with lime juice.