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Tablecloth trick


  • Thin, slippery fabric (polyester or rayon)

  • Non-breakable objects i.e. plastic bowls, bottles

  • Table with a smooth finish


  1. Place the fabric on the table.

  2. Place the objects on top of the fabric. HINT: best to place them towards the back i.e. not too close to the front edge of the table.

  3. Here are some hints to pull the tablecloth out successfully:

  • gather up the excess material overhanging the front of the table in your hands​

  • when pulling the table cloth, pull down quickly

Experiment and have some fun!

  • Try different types of fabric

  • How high can you stack objects before they fall down?

  • Place the objects closer to front edge of the table

  • Does the weight of the objects make a difference?


Time: 5 minutes 

Adult supervision: some

Dangers: minimal

The Science
Firstly, stationary objects have inertia. This means that they will stay still unless a greater force is exerted on the object to make it move.

Secondly, the slippery fabric and the quick pulling movement do not produce enough friction for the objects to move.

© 2020-2025 by Ms Lun. Proudly created with

Last updated: 08/02/2025

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