No Burn Balloon
To show how you can make a balloon not burn over a flame
Time: approx 10 minutes
Adult supervision: yes
Dangers: heat/flame, scalding
A candle
A box of matches or a lighter
1/4 C water

Blow up a balloon and tie it off.
Light the candle. Put the balloon over the flame. WARNING: It will POP!!
Blow up another balloon then deflate (this stretches the balloon so it will hold the water)
Pour in the water.
Blow up the balloon and tie it off.
Now hold this balloon over the flame making sure the flame only touches the part of the balloon where the water is.
Be careful! Don't burn for too long as there is a chance the balloon will pop and send scalding water flying.
The Science
The water in the balloon stops the rubber from heating up and burning.
What do you notice on the bottom of the balloon? Is there a black mark? This is soot or carbon.
Wipe the soot off, turn the balloon upside down and you've made a new toy!