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Today in Science


14th: Albert EINSTEIN born 1879. Died 18 April 1955

Instantly recognisable by his hair, Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist. He excelled at maths and physics from an early age

Famous for his theories on relativity and quantum mechanics, his mass-energy equivalence equation  E=mc2 has been called the world's most famous equation.

He moved to Switzerland in 1895 and in 1933, when Hitler came into power, Einstein (who was Jewish) was visiting in the USA. He remained in the US until his death.

In 1921, he won the Nobel prize in Physics for his contributions to theoretical physics.

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Einstein in 1921 

What is a theoretical physicist?

By using mathematical models rather than doing actual experiments, theoretical physicists try to answer questions about nature like why is the sky blue, why stars shine etc. Often experimental physicists prove or disprove the theories.

Click on the button to view a PDF of insightful Albert Einstein quotes

21st: International Day of Forests (UN)

Good management and sustainability of the world's forests is an important part of tackling climate change.

21st: World Down Syndrome Day (UN)

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder where a person has an extra chromosome. It is also called trisomy 21 (meaning a Down syndrome person has three copies of chromosome 21). This day aims to promote understanding and inclusiveness of Down syndrome. Approximately 3,000 to 5,000 children a year are born with Down syndrome (1 in every 1,000-1,100 births).

22nd: World Water Day (UN)

Fresh water is a precious resource, yet there are 2.2 billion people in the world that don't have access to safe drinking water - that's 1 in 3 people. It is the UN's goal to have water and sanitation for all by 2030.

  • 1.4 million people worldwide die each year from diseases from poor water, sanitation or hygiene.

  • Globally, 44% of household wastewater is not safe ly treated.

  • By 2050, it is projected worldwide water demands with increase by 55%.

23rd: World Meteorological Day (UN)

The World Meteorological Day theme - The ocean, our climate and weather – celebrates World Meteorological Organisation’s focus in connecting the ocean, climate and weather within the Earth System. Over 70% of Earth's surface is ocean and it plays a large role in our weather and climate. By monitoring the ocean and changes within it, researchers can model how it can affect the atmosphere and marine services.

23rd: Robert Charles GALLO born 1937. 

In 1984, Gallo co-discovered HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and that the virus was responsible for causing AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). He founded the IHV (Institute of human virology), Profectus Biotechnology and the Global Virus Network. He has been pivotal in HIV/AIDS research however, he was overlooked for the 2008 Nobel prize in physiology and medicine for his work on HIV (instead awarded to the French scientists that co-discovered HIV).

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HIV (green) attacking a lymphocyte (pink).

Gallo in 2017

23rd: Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von BRAUN born 1912. Died 16 June 1977, aged 65

von Braun was a German aerospace engineer and was a rocket scientist in Nazi Germany. After WWII, he secretly moved to the US, along with 1,600 other scientists and engineers, as part of operation Paper clip. He worked for the US army (on ballistic missiles) and in 1960, his research group later became NASA. He was the first director of the Marshall Space Flight Centre where he developed the Saturn V launch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the moon.


von Braun in 1960

Saturn V launching Apollo 11 on July 16, 1969.

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Last updated: 08/02/2025

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